Family Law

The Shagin Law Group LLC is to provide fair and firm representation in the domestic relations arena during the often painful period of separation and divorce.

We are able to provide to the client representation during this time in the areas of child and spousal support, equitable distribution, and custody.

The attorneys at The Shagin Law Group LLC have represented numerous clients at all levels of the court systems and in many of the counties surrounding the offices.

We have successfully represented clients at the County Domestic Relations Office for support issues, the Office of the Divorce Master for divorce, equitable distribution, and alimony issues, the Courts of Common Pleas at the county trial level, and through the appellate process in the Pennsylvania Superior Courts. Your representation is customized to fit the differing needs and financial levels of the client.

In addition, The Shagin Law Group LLC handles adoption matters in the various County court systems both through agency adoptions and private adoptions. In this process, our attorneys are able to assist the proposed adoptive parents as well as the biological parents who are weighing their options at a difficult time.

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